Prelims and libraries.

rm(list = ls())
#Load libraries
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
## Warning: package 'ggplot2' was built under R version 3.2.3
## Loading required package: Matrix

Functions and add some style elements for ggplot2

## number of unique subs
n.unique <- function (x) {

## for bootstrapping 95% confidence intervals
theta <- function(x,xdata) {mean(xdata[x])}
ci.low <- function(x) {
  quantile(bootstrap(1:length(x), 1000, theta, x)$thetastar, .025)}
ci.high <- function(x) {
  quantile(bootstrap(1:length(x), 1000, theta, x)$thetastar, .975)} <- theme_bw() + 
  theme(panel.grid.minor = element_blank(), 
        panel.grid.major = element_blank(), 
        legend.position = "right", 
        axis.line = element_line(colour = "black",size = .5), 
        axis.ticks = element_line(size = .5), 
        axis.title.x = element_text(vjust = -.5), 
        axis.title.y = element_text(angle = 90,vjust = 0.25))

Experiment 1: Adults, between-subjects, referent type & syntactic frame

Load in data

d.exp1 <- read.csv("data/exp1.csv")
d.exp1$condition <- factor(d.exp1$condition, 
                           levels = c("noContext", "context"), 
                           labels = c("None", "Target"))
d.exp1$sentence.type <- factor(d.exp1$sentence.type, 
                               levels = c("positive", "negative"), 
                               labels = c("Positive" , "Negative"))

d.exp1$neg.concept <- factor(d.exp1$neg.concept, 
                             levels = c("something", "nothing"),
                             labels = c("Alternative",  "Nonexistence"))

d.exp1$neg.syntax <- factor(d.exp1$neg.syntax, 
                            levels = c("", "has no", "doesn't have"), 
                            labels = c("", "has no X", "doesn't have X"))

Plot data

Histogram of rating scale:

qplot(d.exp1$rating, geom = "histogram") +
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.

Plot mean ratings for every trial type (Table 4 in paper):

ms <- d.exp1 %>%
  group_by(subid, condition, sentence.type, truth.value, neg.concept, neg.syntax) %>%
  summarise(subm = mean(rating)) %>%
  group_by(condition, sentence.type, truth.value, neg.concept, neg.syntax) %>%
  summarise(rating = mean(subm),
            high = ci.high(subm),
            low = ci.low(subm))
ms$truth.value <- factor(ms$truth.value, levels=c(TRUE, FALSE), labels=c("True","False"))

kable(ms, digits = 2)
condition sentence.type truth.value neg.concept neg.syntax rating high low
None Positive False Alternative 2.04 2.60 1.57
None Positive False Nonexistence 2.51 3.06 1.96
None Positive True NA 6.51 6.73 6.22
None Negative False NA has no X 1.40 1.66 1.19
None Negative False NA doesn’t have X 2.00 2.51 1.57
None Negative True Alternative has no X 4.15 4.68 3.65
None Negative True Alternative doesn’t have X 4.83 5.33 4.29
None Negative True Nonexistence has no X 4.78 5.20 4.32
None Negative True Nonexistence doesn’t have X 5.29 5.69 4.85
Target Positive False Alternative 1.83 2.38 1.36
Target Positive False Nonexistence 1.88 2.31 1.49
Target Positive True NA 6.42 6.63 6.20
Target Negative False NA has no X 1.58 1.87 1.31
Target Negative False NA doesn’t have X 1.89 2.38 1.44
Target Negative True Alternative has no X 4.96 5.34 4.54
Target Negative True Alternative doesn’t have X 5.74 6.10 5.32
Target Negative True Nonexistence has no X 5.61 6.02 5.19
Target Negative True Nonexistence doesn’t have X 6.34 6.63 5.99
ggplot(data = ms, aes(x = sentence.type, y = rating, 
      color = neg.concept, shape = neg.syntax)) +
  geom_point(stat = "identity", position = position_dodge(width = .5)) + 
  facet_grid(truth.value ~ condition) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = low, ymax = high), width = 0,
                position = position_dodge(width = .5)) +

Just look at negative sentences:

d.exp1.neg <- filter(d.exp1, sentence.type == "Negative")

ms <- d.exp1.neg %>%
  group_by(subid, condition, truth.value, neg.concept, neg.syntax) %>%
  summarise(subm = mean(rating)) %>%
  group_by(condition, truth.value, neg.concept, neg.syntax) %>%
  summarise(rating = mean(subm),
            high = ci.high(subm),
            low = ci.low(subm))
ms$truth.value <- factor(ms$truth.value, levels=c(TRUE, FALSE), labels=c("True","False"))

ggplot(data = ms, aes(x = condition, y = rating, fill = neg.concept)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
  facet_grid(truth.value ~ neg.syntax) +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = low, ymax = high), width = 0,
                position = position_dodge(width = .9)) + 
  scale_fill_grey("Negation Type") + 
  xlab("Context") + ylab("Rating") +

Just look at true negatives (Figure 2 in paper)

d.exp1.trueneg <- filter(d.exp1, sentence.type ==  "Negative" & truth.value == TRUE)

ms <- d.exp1.trueneg %>%
  group_by(subid, condition, neg.concept, neg.syntax) %>%
  summarise(subm = mean(rating)) %>%
  group_by(condition, neg.concept, neg.syntax) %>%
  summarise(rating = mean(subm),
            high = ci.high(subm),
            low = ci.low(subm))

ggplot(data = ms, aes(x = neg.concept, y = rating, fill = condition)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +  
  facet_wrap(~ neg.syntax) + 
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = low, ymax = high), width = 0,
                position = position_dodge(width = .9)) + 
  scale_fill_grey("Negation Type") + 
  xlab("Context") + ylab("Rating") +

Statistical models:

All data:

#deviation coding
contrasts(d.exp1$sentence.type) <- rbind(.5, -.5)
##          [,1]
## Positive  0.5
## Negative -0.5
contrasts(d.exp1$condition) <- rbind(.5, -.5)
##        [,1]
## None    0.5
## Target -0.5
contrasts(d.exp1$truth.value) <- rbind(.5, -.5)
##       [,1]
## FALSE  0.5
## TRUE  -0.5
model.exp1.all <- lmer(rating ~ sentence.type * condition * truth.value +
                         (sentence.type * truth.value | subid) +
                         (sentence.type * truth.value | item), 
                       data = d.exp1)

kable(summary(model.exp1.all)$coefficients, digits = 2)
Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 3.87 0.07 51.78
sentence.type1 0.80 0.08 9.60
condition1 -0.11 0.14 -0.79
truth.value1 -3.94 0.18 -21.96
sentence.type1:condition1 0.71 0.17 4.23
sentence.type1:truth.value1 -0.89 0.21 -4.24
condition1:truth.value1 0.59 0.35 1.68
sentence.type1:condition1:truth.value1 -0.57 0.40 -1.43

Just negative sentences:

contrasts(d.exp1.neg$condition) <- rbind(.5, -.5)
##        [,1]
## None    0.5
## Target -0.5
contrasts(d.exp1.neg$truth.value) <- rbind(.5, -.5)
##       [,1]
## FALSE  0.5
## TRUE  -0.5
model.exp1.neg <- lmer(rating ~ condition * truth.value +
                         (truth.value | subid) + 
                         (condition * truth.value | item), 
                       data = d.exp1.neg)

kable(summary(model.exp1.neg)$coefficients, digits = 2)
Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 3.46 0.08 44.45
condition1 -0.46 0.16 -2.89
truth.value1 -3.49 0.21 -16.70
condition1:truth.value1 0.86 0.41 2.09

Just true negative sentences (Table 1 in paper):

contrasts(d.exp1.trueneg$condition) <- rbind(.5, -.5)
##        [,1]
## None    0.5
## Target -0.5
contrasts(d.exp1.trueneg$neg.concept) <- rbind(.5, -.5)
##              [,1]
## Alternative   0.5
## Nonexistence -0.5
d.exp1.trueneg$neg.syntax <- factor(d.exp1.trueneg$neg.syntax)
contrasts(d.exp1.trueneg$neg.syntax) <- rbind(.5, -.5)
##                [,1]
## has no X        0.5
## doesn't have X -0.5
model.exp1.trueneg <- lmer(rating ~ condition * neg.concept * neg.syntax +
                             (neg.concept * neg.syntax | subid) + 
                             (neg.concept * neg.syntax | item), 
                           data = d.exp1.trueneg)

kable(summary(model.exp1.trueneg)$coefficients, digits = 2)
Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 5.21 0.13 38.78
condition1 -0.90 0.26 -3.45
neg.concept1 -0.60 0.12 -5.05
neg.syntax1 -0.68 0.17 -3.99
condition1:neg.concept1 0.11 0.19 0.55
condition1:neg.syntax1 0.15 0.29 0.52
neg.concept1:neg.syntax1 -0.11 0.18 -0.64
condition1:neg.concept1:neg.syntax1 -0.22 0.32 -0.67

Experiment 2: Children, between subjects, none vs. target context

Load in data.

d.exp2 <- read.csv("data/exp2.csv")

d.exp2$agegroup <- factor(d.exp2$agegroup)

d.exp2$sent.type <- factor(d.exp2$sent.type, 
                           levels = c("positive", "negative"), 
                           labels = c("Positive", "Negative"))

d.exp2$condition <- factor(d.exp2$condition, 
                           labels = c("None", "Target"))

Condense scale from 5-point to 3-point

d.exp2$resp2 <- 2
d.exp2[d.exp2$resp > 3,]$resp2 <- 3
d.exp2[d.exp2$resp < 3,]$resp2 <- 1
d.exp2$resp2 <- factor(d.exp2$resp2)

Participant exclusions

Exclude subjects who didn’t complete at least half of the trials

#Reject children who didn't complete at least 8 trials
ntrials <- d.exp2 %>%
  group_by(subid) %>%
  summarize(ntrials = n()) %>%
  filter(ntrials < 8)

for (i in ntrials$subid) {
  d.exp2 <- filter(d.exp2, subid != i)

Reject subjects who don’t understand scale (based on positive sentences):

reject <- d.exp2 %>%
  filter(sent.type == "Positive") %>% #Only look at positive sentences
  group_by(subid) %>%
  mutate(total = n()) %>% #get total # of positive sentences child saw
  group_by(subid, condition, truth, total, resp2) %>%
  filter((truth == "True" & resp2 == 3) | (truth == "False" & resp2 == 1)) %>% #Get # "good" for true pos and "bad" for false pos
  summarize(counts = n()) %>% 
  group_by(subid, condition, total) %>%
  summarize(counts = sum(counts)) %>% #total # "correct" responses
  mutate(prop = counts/total) %>% #proportion correct
  filter(prop < .6) #reject kids who got < .6 "correct" (this allows for 2/6 "mistakes")

for (i in reject$subid) {
  d.exp2 <- filter(d.exp2, subid != i)

Make sure there aren’t any kids who just used one side of scale. Reject kids who only chose a single data point

scaleUse <- aggregate(resp2 ~ subid, d.exp2, n.unique)
table(scaleUse$resp2) #Are any resp2 = 1
##  2  3 
## 48 21

Plot data, all ages

Categorize kids based on response type

tn_responses <- d.exp2 %>%
  filter(sent.type == "Negative" & truth == "True") %>%
  group_by(subid) %>%
  mutate(total = n()) %>%
  group_by(subid, condition, total, resp2) %>%
  summarize(counts = n()) %>%
  mutate(prop = counts/total)

category <- dcast(tn_responses, subid + condition ~ resp2)
## Using prop as value column: use value.var to override.
names(category) <- c("subid","condition","bad","neutral","good")
category[] <- 0

category$type <- "other"
#category[category$neutral > .6,]$type <- "tn_neutral"
category[category$bad > .6,]$type <- "tn_bad"
category[category$good > .6,]$type <- "tn_good"

cat_counts <- category %>%
  group_by(condition, type) %>%
  summarise(counts = n())

cat_counts$type <- factor(cat_counts$type, levels = c("tn_bad","tn_good","other"), labels = c("True Negatives = Bad", "True Negatives = Good", "Inconsistent/Other"))

ggplot(data = cat_counts, aes(x = condition, y = counts, fill = type)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") + 
  scale_fill_hue("Response Type") +
  ylab("Count") + xlab("Context Condition") +

Mean responses to all sentences (Table 5 in paper):

ms <- d.exp2 %>%
  group_by(subid, condition, sent.type, truth) %>%
  summarise(subm = mean(resp)) %>%
  group_by(condition, sent.type, truth) %>%
  summarise(m = mean(subm),
            cih = ci.high(subm),
            cil = ci.low(subm))
ms$truth <- factor(ms$truth, levels=c("True","False"))

kable(ms, digits = 2)
condition sent.type truth m cih cil
None Positive False 1.77 2.13 1.46
None Positive True 4.59 4.79 4.38
None Negative False 1.96 2.42 1.60
None Negative True 2.72 3.20 2.28
Target Positive False 1.48 1.78 1.23
Target Positive True 4.61 4.80 4.40
Target Negative False 2.18 2.67 1.73
Target Negative True 3.58 4.01 3.14
ggplot(data = subset(ms), 
      aes(x = truth, y = m, fill =  condition)) + 
  facet_grid(. ~ sent.type) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") +
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = cil, ymax = cih), 
                position = position_dodge(.9), width = 0) + 
  scale_fill_grey("") +
  xlab("Context") + ylab("Response") +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 5), breaks = seq(1,5,1)) +

Just negative trials (Figure 3 in paper):

ggplot(data = subset(ms, sent.type == "Negative"), 
      aes(x = truth, y = m, fill = condition)) + 
  #facet_grid(. ~ truth) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "dodge") + 
  geom_errorbar(aes(ymin = cil, ymax = cih), 
                position = position_dodge(.9), width = 0) + 
  scale_fill_grey("") +
  xlab("Context") + ylab("Response") +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 5), breaks = seq(1,5,1)) +

Histogram of trial ratings (Figure 4 in paper):

truenegs <- filter(ms, truth == "True" & sent.type ==  "Negative")

#make df for histogram (for formatting reasons)
hist_data <- d.exp2 %>%
  filter(truth == "True" & sent.type == "Negative") %>%
  group_by(condition, resp) %>%
  summarise(count = n())

ggplot(data = hist_data, aes(y = count, x = resp, 
      fill = condition)) +
  geom_bar(width = .5, position = position_dodge(.6), stat = "identity") +
  geom_point(data = truenegs, aes(x = m, y = c(44, 46), color = condition)) + 
  geom_segment(data = truenegs, aes(x = cil, xend = cih, y = c(44, 46), yend = c(44, 46), color = condition)) + 
  scale_fill_grey("Condition") + scale_color_grey("Condition") +
  xlab("Response") + ylab("Count") +

Statistical models

Basic continuous models:

Table 2 in paper:

contrasts(d.exp2$condition) <- rbind(.5, -.5)
##        [,1]
## None    0.5
## Target -0.5
contrasts(d.exp2$truth) <- rbind(.5, -.5)
##       [,1]
## False  0.5
## True  -0.5
#maximal model (truth * condition | item) does not converge
#This is the maximal model that converges
model.noage <- lmer(resp ~ condition * truth  
                    + (truth|subid) 
                    + (truth|item), 
                    data = filter(d.exp2, sent.type ==  "Negative"))
kable(summary(model.noage)$coefficients, digits = 2)
Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 2.61 0.11 23.46
condition1 -0.55 0.22 -2.46
truth1 -1.07 0.24 -4.48
condition1:truth1 0.61 0.48 1.28

Including age does not improve model fit:

model.age <- lmer(resp ~ condition * agegroup * truth  
                  + (truth|subid) 
                  + (truth|item), 
                  data = filter(d.exp2, sent.type ==  "Negative"))
kable(summary(model.age)$coefficients, digits = 2)
Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 2.77 0.16 17.60
condition1 -0.46 0.31 -1.46
agegroup4 -0.33 0.22 -1.48
truth1 -1.01 0.34 -2.95
condition1:agegroup4 -0.24 0.45 -0.54
condition1:truth1 0.42 0.69 0.62
agegroup4:truth1 -0.10 0.49 -0.20
condition1:agegroup4:truth1 0.36 0.98 0.37
anova(model.age, model.noage)
## refitting model(s) with ML (instead of REML)
## Data: filter(d.exp2, sent.type == "Negative")
## Models:
## model.noage: resp ~ condition * truth + (truth | subid) + (truth | item)
## model.age: resp ~ condition * agegroup * truth + (truth | subid) + (truth | 
## model.age:     item)
##             Df    AIC    BIC  logLik deviance  Chisq Chi Df Pr(>Chisq)
## model.noage 11 2154.4 2204.0 -1066.2   2132.4                         
## model.age   15 2159.6 2227.1 -1064.8   2129.6 2.8619      4     0.5812

What about just true negs? <- lmer(resp ~ condition
                    + (1 |subid) 
                    + (condition |item), 
                    data = filter(d.exp2, sent.type ==  "Negative" & truth == "True"))
kable(summary($coefficients, digits = 2)
Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 3.15 0.17 18.52
condition1 -0.85 0.34 -2.46


#All kids
subs <- aggregate(resp ~ subid + condition, d.exp2, mean)
t.test(resp ~ condition, subs)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  resp by condition
## t = -2.2036, df = 66.996, p-value = 0.03099
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.78674329 -0.03888866
## sample estimates:
##   mean in group None mean in group Target 
##             2.998341             3.411157
threes <- filter(d.exp2, agegroup ==  "3")
threes_subs <- aggregate(resp ~ subid + condition, threes, mean)
t.test(resp ~ condition, threes_subs)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  resp by condition
## t = -1.1626, df = 30.945, p-value = 0.2539
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -0.8332835  0.2282204
## sample estimates:
##   mean in group None mean in group Target 
##             3.152014             3.454545
fours <- filter(d.exp2, agegroup ==  "4")
fours_subs <- aggregate(resp ~ subid + condition, fours, mean)
t.test(resp ~ condition, fours_subs)
##  Welch Two Sample t-test
## data:  resp by condition
## t = -2.0693, df = 30.749, p-value = 0.04701
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
##  -1.129489914 -0.008010086
## sample estimates:
##   mean in group None mean in group Target 
##              2.80625              3.37500